"If I forget you, O Jerusalem, May my right hand forget her skill." Psalm 137:5
I love this photo...I remember this morning very well. A few of us decided to rise early and have devos together on the Temple Mount. We were younger then, living abroad in the great city of Jerusalem. We were close, still are. We were real, passionate and loved every minute of the adventure we were on. If there was ever a season in my life where I felt like time stood still it was fall of 2007. We laughed, we cried, we traveled, we shared each others burdens and spurred each other on. We had our jokes, our sayings, our reenactments of ridiculous things that had happened while on our journeys. We also had our serious moments too. Moments when tears would not be held back. Moments that overwhelmed you. We were only there 5 months yet it felt like years and then all of sudden it was over. Just like that. God did a work in our lives that was so deep and radical, it is hard to put into words. I know that every one of us left Israel changed, and for many of us longing to return. I had the blessing of returning in 2009 with my husband. It was another amazing season in my life. And now both of our heart's ache to return to the Land.
Now we say along with all the Jews, בשנה הבאה בירושלים (next year in Jerusalem...)
You were all standing in a special moment in this picture. May the Lord always remind you of the season you spent with Him in the Promised Land....and may each of you keep your feet firmly standing on the promises He has given you....