I am very patriotic, I was raised that way. With each year that passes it seems as though I become more and more. I am not ashamed of it, traveling the world these past years I have realize how truly unique and special my homeland is. It is like no other country. The American people from the beginning were people who desired change, desired to be free and were willing to fight for the rights in which to do so. They were people of faith, people of determination, people who would not back down from a crazy tyrannic king and the world's strongest super power. As I read the Declaration of Independence yesterday, it truly is an amazing declaration for humanity. To believe that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness-" and to that "whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it". America has changed a lot of over the years, and I am not saying that Americans are always right about everything. But this one thing we have done good, and that is creating a country where the freedoms which God our Creator has given us can actually be lived. I am proud to be an American, I am proud of the truths our country was founded on. I am proud of the men and women who have died laying their lives down for these truths. To protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I love the spirit Americans have...to be creative, to take risks, to not back away, to be different, to hope for a better future. Paul and I have been watching this series found on YouTube called America: The story of US. It really has brought out the American spirit in us. Seeing why Americans are the way we are, all the change and hardships our country has gone through and triumphs we have had. It really is amazing!
Now that I got out all my patriotism, I can actually tell you how we celebrated yesterday being Americans in Germany. It was probably the saddest 4th of July we ever had, but we didn't let it get us down. We made hot wings with a Louisiana hot sauce. Potato salad, sweet southern tea of course. A red, white and blue dessert made from American jello, whipped cream and blueberries. Though there were no fireworks, we did listen to some patriotic music and watched some patriotic movies. The Patriot, just for the record is one my favorite movies, Mel Gibson is amazing! And I even got to talk to my family in the Great State of Virginia. Here are some shots of our lil' 4th of July Celebration.

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