Two years ago today I married the love of my life. When I first met him though...I had no idea what a treasure I had found. I remember when I first met Paul. He was this skinny, nerdy, immature kid from Washington state. Yet I was so attracted to his love for God and his desire to serve Him with his whole heart. I thought we could be friends. God had other plans! I remember wrestling with the Lord about my feelings for Paul and the Lord said to me "Yes, he is immature...but he loves Me. Do you want to be part of what I am going to do in his life, or do you want to let this pass you by? It's your choice." I felt in that moment such a confirmation that I wanted to be part of what God was going to do in this young man's life. There was no way that I was going to walk away from this adventure. It makes me so sad now to think I even comtemplated it!
Honestly, Paul was not the "man of my dreams" when I first met him. But I can say today that I had the priviledge of seeing Paul become the "man of my dreams". Yes, he has changed a lot. He has matured, lived some life, gained some weight and he dresses different now. But he is still the same gentle, sweet spirit he was when I first met him. That hasn't changed one bit. He is a servant, a leader and a comforter. He lives abandoned to Jesus and spurs me on. He is truly more than I ever thought to ask for. I feel so blessed to share my life with such a wonderful loving man.
Sidenote...I would just like to say for the record, it's ok to be in love. I think in today's Christian circles we are so concerned about how we date/court/ behave/look/act that we have taken all the joy and excitement out of love. Paul and I were determined not to let other people in our relationship, and still don't. Just Jesus, all others can exit stage left. And you know, Jesus is a big God. He gives you boundries, convictions and freedom. I believe every couple is different, has different struggles and different strengths. But the truth of the matter is, we don't "need" dating/marriage books or other people when we have the Creator God at our side ready to lead the relationship. Not that people and books are not helpful, they are...but that is not what Paul and I let dictate our relationship. Jesus does and boy does He do a great job! We are that couple that makes everyone sick with all our love! :)
Tonight I made Paul a little surprise anniversary dinner on the balcony. In tribute to our trip to Charleston this time last year. The main dish was low country BBQ with sweet buttered carrots and green beans. And for desert...my Mommom's glorious apple pie/crisp! Paul's and my Dad's favorite.
Happy Anniversary Sha'ul! You are my favorite. The color to my world and I am so thankful for all the love, joy and comfort you give me. My home is wherever you are. I love you so much! ~Reef